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Getting Started and Gaining Velocity on YouTube

The most important thing to growing your channel is that you DO NOT STOP. Do not give up, no matter what you do.

Growing a channel takes time, and YOU CAN DO IT! Okay, now that I’ve said that… Here’s the deal.

YouTube viewers want one of 2 things: Education or Entertainment

Combine the two into “Edutainment” and you have a recipe for internet gold!

Below are a few of the vital elements you should always incorporate in your videos.

1. Clean & Concise Video Structure

Make sure all of your videos have these elements:

  • Content Teaser (under 10 seconds) with CTAs (Like, Comment, Subscribe)
  • Title Cards with Your Logo (2-3 seconds)
  • Concise, Structured Content (more on this in Week 2: Production)
  • End screens with Your Logo (10 seconds), a Subscribe Button + Suggested Vids

2. Links In Default Upload Description

You should also include a comprehensive list of where your viewers can get more info from you (i.e. your website, social media, sales pages, etc.) in your default upload description.

Your actual video-specific description will be written above this default description, and should be added on a video-by-video basis.

I prefer to use links for tracking sales page referrals from YouTube (also because it shortens the links and allows you to add more characters to your descriptions), but you can also just link straight to your other URLs.


Go set these up right now. Link to your most popular or most used social media sites in your Channel Art section.

STEP 1 – Click on the blue “Creator Studio” button

STEP 2 – Scroll over the pencil image in the top right corner and select “Edit Links”